This is how the
future of nursing services
is being developed

In 2022 the developer and founder team had the idea for OXOA. Within the same year the AvanzaTec GmbH was founded. Right after the pandemic and with the desire to expedite the digitalization in healthcare.


Pius Gutzwiller, Diego Frehner and Lucca Willi are united by the dream of developing cool apps with intuitive design and an undisputable added value for society. Together they sum up more than 50 years of experience in programming and combine technical know-how with a youthful-like understanding for everything digital.


The three Swiss have been working as a team for years. They share a meaningful friendship and a passion for programming.


March 2022
Idea for OXOA
April 2022
creation of prototype website
September 2022
founding of AvanzaTec GmbH by Pius Gutzwiller, Diego Frehner and Lucca Willi
September 2022
founding of AvanzaTec GmbH by Pius Gutzwiller, Diego Frehner and Lucca Willi
October 2022
Registration of OXOA as a trademark
January 2023
OXOA is available at the Android Play Store and Apple Store
March 2023
Start field test at Spitex Bern
September 2023
OXOA is now available for all customers of Spitex Bern (rollout start)
November 2023
OXOA is awarded a funding package by Startnetzwerk Thurgau
January 2024
OXOA is implemented by additional Spitex organizations

The people behind the app

Why all by yourself when you can rely on a team?! You don´t take care of someone all by yourself after all. It´s exactly the same when it comes to the development, maintenance, promotion and distribution of a complex app. Meet the team behind OXOA and don´t hesitate to contact us in case of questions. We look forward to getting to know you!

Pius Gutzwiller


Diego Frehner


Lucca Willi


Daniel Belz

Administration und Verkauf

Jenny Müller


Sascha Lüscher


Paola Sciuchetti


Write us a message and we will get in touch with you

Contact us via LinkedIn

You will find us at this event next

Media & Partner


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