OXOA simplifies the complex world of Spitex

Unser Projektablauf kurz beschreiben

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum.

1. Vorbesprechung & Kennenlernen mit Projektpartner

2. Kickoff Meeting vor Ort mit Projektteam um Rahmen und Projektziele zu ergründen

3. Aufschaltung Demo-Phase für Test und Nachjustierung / Datenqualtität

4. Pilot-Phase für ersten Test mit kleinem Kunden:innen Team

5. Planung und Betreuung des Rollout

6. Review / Rückblick auf Projekt / Projekt Abschluss Übergabe ans Operative

Customers are free to submit standardized and digital change requests for their appointments. Medication plans are available online 24/7, and a time-consuming and costly sending of invoices via post can be eliminated. Sounds too good to be true?

OXOA is the new platform which simplifies your everyday work and connects you with your customers even better.

You decide which data you provide, and which documents you want to share. The intuitive app makes it easy and convenient for your customers to contact you, view their documents and appointments, and if possible, organize their nursing service all by themselves. This not only reduces workload and decreases costs, but also improves the satisfaction of your customers and their relatives.

Where can we cut costs to ensure that the company remains in business?


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1 of 6

Oh–Mr. Mueller sent a cancellation request for his appointment, what´s the best way to inform the responsible nurse?


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2 of 6

Mr. Müller asks again for his medication schedule. How can I make it permanently available to him so he doesn't have to call me every day?


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3 of 6

Mr. Müller is already feeling much better thanks to the new medication, but does his daughter know that yet?


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4 of 6

There is a lot of pressure when it comes to cutting costs, lack of staff and digitalization programs. At the same time, government and society are demanding a better service, but we need to save money.


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5 of 6

There are constant update requests, new standards need to be met or security gaps in the system need to be closed. How are we supposed to manage all that with an ever-increasing digitalization?


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6 of 6

Where can we cut costs to ensure that the company remains in business?

OXOA provides digital access to invoices for your customers. This increases payment moral and eliminates a costly mailing via post.

Oh–Mr. Mueller sent a cancellation request for his appointment, what´s the best way to inform the responsible nurse?

All assignments are managed digitally and published internally. Thus, hardly any appointments are forgotten, and changes can be implemented in a matter of seconds. This means that all nursing staff always has access to an up-to-date schedule, and no time is lost informing individuals.

Mr. Müller asks again for his medication schedule. How can I make it permanently available to him so he doesn't have to call me every day?

OXOA provides more insights for your customers and therefore reduces the workload for your service center. By providing access to important documents and upcoming appointments via app, incoming service calls will be reduced. Service staff has more time to attend more complex requests.

Mr. Müller is already feeling much better thanks to the new medication, but does his daughter know that yet?

OXOA enables all staff to focus on nursing. All scheduling and communication with relatives is done via OXOA app. This way nursing staff is supported, and customers and their relatives get access to current reports, medication plans, invoices, and upcoming appointments. Everything via app or online, and available 24/7.

There is a lot of pressure when it comes to cutting costs, lack of staff and digitalization programs. At the same time, government and society are demanding a better service, but we need to save money.

OXOA makes organizations fit for the future. The digital platform enables a more efficient workflow, increases the quality of your data and improves customer service.

There are constant update requests, new standards need to be met or security gaps in the system need to be closed. How are we supposed to manage all that with an ever-increasing digitalization?

OXOA is offered as a web-based platform. Hosting and maintenance are included in the price. Furthermore, the app and the system which it´s based on, will be continuously improved and rigorously tested by external safety auditors on a regular basis. Thus, keeping IT costs as low as possible.

OXOA, the right choice

Step 1: Login;
First of all, the customer logs into the system.


Step 2: Loading configuration data; After logging in, the organization´s individual configurations / settings are loaded from the OXOA server.


Step 3: Loading customer data;
Authorized via login and individual settings loaded, customer data is obtained directly form the organization.


No customer data is transferred to OXOA servers. No “caching”, no data storage whatsoever is being performed. All sensitive data remains with your organization.
All sensitive data remains with you.

Project schedule /
OXOA implementation process

Introduction & alignment

First call to discuss timelines and project process.

2. Kickoff

On-site meeting with project team to define project framework and goals.

3. Proof of concept

Project team runs internal tests, with focus on data quality and adjustment of settings.

4. Field test

First test run with a small group of customers. Selected group to test and get familiar with the processes.

5. Rollout

Planning and support of the rollout for all customers.

6. Review

Review and completion of project, including handover to operations.

OXOA, the right choice

OXOA reduces the workload for your service center, and therefore saving personnel resources. At the same time OXOA streamlines processes for all employees, thus positioning you as an innovative and digitalized Spitex organization..

Find out more, no commitment necessary. We are happy to advise and support you.

Via mail

Or give us a call
+41 71 552 54 60

OXOA takes the pressure off your customer service and thus saves personnel resources. At the same time, OXOA simplifies the work of all employees, while you position yourself as an innovative and digital Spitex organization.

Implementation success rate 100%

Contact us–we are happy to arrange the data protection impact assessments for you

How to get in touch with us

Make an inquiry via the contact form

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22. – 24. Oktober 2024
IFAS Messe Zürich

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